massage therapy

In our busy world, massage provides an opportunity for release and connection: release from tight muscles, physical pain, a jumbled mind, and connection to a more peaceful and centered reality. Massage therapy invites us to slow down and soak up these vital needs, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

personal coaching

Most people are stuck between where they are and where they want to be, or more importantly, who they want to be.  Amid one’s daily life and responsibilities, making these shifts is nearly impossible alone. Distraction, shame, failure, and regret often cloud and undermine the process.

Inviting a skilled coach into your story, while on retreat, can be a very potent catalyst in getting you back “in the game” toward fulfilling your personal potential.  

* please inquire before booking to ensure this service is available *

$100 | 90 - 120 minutes

Life coaching

spiritual direction

Many feel dissatisfied, confused, lonely, and even guilty about their spiritual life. Spiritual direction is simply inviting a companion into this journey with you to:  listen, reflect, and encourage you.  This process can be instrumental in finding clarity, discovering grace, and can be particularly important during times of major life transition, vocational change, relational difficulty, significant decisions, or when one simply desires deeper spiritual connection. 

* please inquire before booking to ensure this service is available *

$100 | 60 minutes


  • After booking you will receive a document to input your desired choices and email back to us.

  • Our therapists spend time getting to know you and your body and can steer you into the best option for these realities. The only details we must know ahead of time to book your massage is the duration - 60 or 90 minute.

  • While every story is different, and some life situations are more urgent than others, a minimum of two coaching sessions are recommended to seriously address a life reality you would like to make progress with. Ultimately though, our coach has a flexible schedule and sessions can be added or deleted last minute.

  • In general, coaching shares elements with counseling: inviting another into your deepest realms, listening, grieving, celebrating, receiving clarity. BUT it goes beyond this by added elements of urgency and action. A coaching session usually ends by asking what action steps need to be taken to address what was just discussed. Coaching at Desert Harbor, while on retreat, typically involves personal work between sessions to maximize the depth of change possible.

  • Yes. Follow up sessions can easily be scheduled by phone or Zoom, as needed.

  • Our spiritual director is also a licensed mental health counselor. She carries her professional standards into SD, and her only goal is to see you find greater clarity and orientation in your spiritual journey. Rest assured, she is well-versed in working with a variety of paths.

  • One is often enough and can set the tone well. If your budget allows, a closing session can also be very helpful to “debrief” your experience and explore future opportunities for continued growth and exploration.